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Thursday 18 February 2010

Chinese New Year- Wishing you a Happy Tiger Year!

This is the first post actually containing any useful content. I shall begin my blogging with a very HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!

I trust we have all had a wonderful new year, a long-awaited break from the continuous stream of homework flowing down at us. I think we deserve this break. After all, it is only the beginning of a new year in brand new school with almost triple the number of subjects. In the midst of all the hard work in trying to adapt to the new environment, I think we should have some hard-earned breaks. After all ,if we just keep working, the workload will eventually overcome us and we will just gradually give up from all the stress.

Anyway, enough of the new year greetings and views. It is time for me to share with you how I passed my new year.

For starters, I must say that some problems between my parents complicated matters and my mother, well, she refused to go visiting for the first, most important day. Even on the second day she didn't want to go, until finally she, after some self-reflection, decided to go on her own. Throughout the four days of celebrations, she was quite moody, dampening the new year atmosphere for everyone related to us. I shall not comment on this, however, or elaborate on this whole matter anymore, as new year is supposed to be a happy occasion, so why all those unhappy talk. Hence, I shall set those aside.

At least, though, my parents made an effort and the new year turned out to be okay after all. Well, one the first day we went to my uncle's house for a rich lunch and went to my grandmother's place within three minutes' of walking to go visiting and have a homemade steamboat dinner there. It was the most delicious steamboat ever and nothing outside could compare with it! They used charcoal to make it more fragrant and though the ingredients were no many, it was still very enjoyable, seeing everyone eat together.

On the second day, it was mostly visiting. Every day of the new year, we went to my grandparents' place for lunch and dinner, except for today and the third day. Today, we went to my maternal grandparents' place for dinner and also had steamboat, although not a tasty. We gambled small change and played a bit of computer with my cousins.

On the third day, we went for lunch at my paternal grandparents' place and "bummed around" for the whole afternoon, as there were not many relatives to visit. After which, for dinner, we went to my maternal grandparents' place and did exactly the same things that we did the day before.

On the fourth day was the day to complete all those untouched homework to be done over the new year. Sadly to say, I had a terrible headache and the 2 hour homework took me more than 5 hours to do. I ended up sleeping at around 12am, although I had started in the early afternoon. Today's dinner and lunch were just standard everyday fare, nothing special at all.

I gobbled pineapple tarts and love letters up wherever we went, but my younger brother beat me to the tarts at home. We wolfed up half the tub in no time. The original plan was to catch a movie today afternoon after my brother and I had completed all our homework, but we ended up not going because of my headache. The movie outing was postponed to the coming Sunday. Basically, I wasted most of the fourth day of new year and I regretted it.

However, doing so will not change anything or help matters, and I decided to just forget about the whole thing and continue with my life without useless regrets.

No point saying "if only" I had done this and that either, which I did say to myself. Here's a quote:
“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”


“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.” Jonathan Larson

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell

“Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” Victoria Holt

With these last words, I conclude this post.